Rebuilding Together DC Alexandria (2019)

Rebuilding Together DC Alexandria

Alexandria, Va. 

Since 1986, Rebuilding Together Alexandria (RTA) has provided nearly 28,000 volunteers to work on 2,200 projects to improve the homes of low-income residents of the City of Alexandria. Among its many programs, the Safe and Healthy Homes program focuses on stabilizing 25 common housing problems in the homes of low-income persons living in older and/or substandard housing.

The $10,000 2019 grant will be used to assist older adults in making their homes safer. The types of repairs include installing handrails and grab bars, providing smoke/carbon dioxide detectors and fire extinguishers, replacing roofing or HVAC units, and putting in chair lifts. All of the repairs are targeted at reducing or eliminating the hazards that can pose significant risks to RTA clients’ health and safety.

Mrs. K., at 79 years of age, lives alone in her home. Her daughter was concerned for her safety so volunteers installed hand railings throughout her home and grab bars in her bathtub. Volunteers also secured a kitchen cabinet, replaced damaged ceiling tiles, and weather-stripped doors. A contractor replaced water valves. Because of the repairs the volunteers completed, Mrs. K. is now able to maneuver around her home safely – and her daughter is very relieved.

To learn more about Rebuilding Together DC Alexandria visit: