Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions (2019)

Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions
Mechanicsville, Va.
Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions (MCEF) began in November 1976 to help three churches combine their efforts to help families during the holiday season. Since then, MCEF has grown to include a food pantry; clothing and linen closets for infants, children and adults; financial assistance for utility bills, medicine and rent; and a senior rides program. MCEF relies on over 175 volunteers to make sure that families in need receive needed goods and services.
MCEF Senior Rides, a volunteer driver program that provides rides for rural older adults who can no longer drive, was awarded $7,500 in 2019. MCEF provides more than 100 rides per month and it has become necessary to use a paid transportation provider while additional volunteers are recruited. The grant funds will help MCEF expand the ride program to 130 older adults, especially those needing dialysis or regular therapy. This transportation service allows older adults to live independently in their homes by providing rides to medical appointments, to the grocery store and to do personal business.
Elizabeth worked all of her life, starting on a family farm in North Carolina. While raising her family, she worked cleaning houses, in a cafeteria at a juvenile detention center, and finally in several Hanover County public school cafeterias before she retired. All of that work took a toll on her health, with strains on her back and neck. During her retirement, her husband took her to medical appointments until he passed away. Thereafter, an elderly neighbor (aged 90+) drove her when her daughter was unable to take off work. Because of her various conditions, she had not only medical appointments but also a number of therapy sessions. MCEF’s Senior Rides have given her more independence and she can spend more quality time with her daughter.
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