Insight Memory Care Center (2019)

Insight Memory Care Center
Fairfax, Va.
Insight Memory Care Center (IMCC) was founded in 1984 by a palliative care nurse who saw the need for quality respite care for those with dementia and their family caregivers. Since that time, IMCC has partnered with the Wake Forest University School of Medicine to improve the quality of its programming. IMCC has been recognized as the Adult Day Center of the Year by the National Adult Day Services Association. Additionally, IMCC provides other services for caregivers to enable them to better care for their family members.
IMCC was awarded $7,500 for its Wraparound Caregiver Support Program, which meets the needs of both the individuals with dementia who remain in their homes and their caregivers. IMCC provides innovative education program, resource publications, caregiver support groups, consultations, and memory screenings. These services enable caregivers to be more successful in their caregiving role because they are better able to maintain their own well-being, reduce stress, and access meaningful activities of their choice.
IMCC ensures that its programs and services are meeting the needs of caregivers. In a recent survey, one of the caregivers noted:
“The educational programs are invaluable- realistic and practical – oriented on a range of topics most caregivers know little about. The moral support and insight of support groups helped me understand what I could and couldn’t do to help my husband and myself. Thank you. I love you all.”
In addition, IMCC works with older adults in the community to understand the difference between memory changes related to normal aging and the beginning signs of dementia.
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